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潍坊新航道 > 雅思 > 雅思听力同意替换之方位介词的替换


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填空题在雅思听力中一直都占据着半壁江山的地位,虽然填空题的答案都是在录音中原词重现,但很多同学在做题时还是很容易出现漏听的情况或者被干扰信息迷惑。明明定位都找准了,但为什么就是抓不到答案呢?这里有很大一部分原因是填空题的邻空词是很容易被同意替换的。很多同学都知道雅思听力中选择题配对题很喜欢考同意替换,但其实填空题也非常喜欢考替换,只不过往往都是邻空词被替换。如果对这个考点不熟悉,就很容易在听音时因为一直在等邻空词的原词而导致错过答案。但同意替换的类型很多,很多同学不知道该如何去准备,即使知道邻空词会被换,还是很容易错过答案,主要是因为音频速度很快,又只能听一遍,所以在听音时识别不出来替换。那如何才能在听音时快速识别出邻空词的替换呢?最重要的还是要在平时熟悉雅思的替换套路,积累高频替换,在听前审题时能做到精 准预判。同意替换的类型和套路都很多,我们需要逐个击破,在这里先给大家介绍一类雅思听力填空题中考得非常多的方位介词的替换。



C9T1S1: Nearest bus stop: next to 3 _____

C10T4S1:Where to park: opposite entrance next to the 5 _______

C11T2S4: Beside a _____

C13T1S1: located near the _____

C14T3S1: Wilby Street (quite near the ____ )

同学们应该不难发现这些题目都有一个共同点,那就是邻空词都是方位介词,且next to, beside, near都是表示旁边或者附近,因此这类题目在雅思听力中的考频还是很高的。我们先来看一下前两道题的答案句的位置,很快也能发现一些规律。

如C9T1S1: Nearest bus stop: next to 3 _____

答案句:Is it near a bus stop? Yes. The nearest one would probably be just beside the library.

替换:next to - beside

这道题的定位是很简单的,但是邻空词next to换成了beside, 也是表示旁边,所以答案就是跟在beside后的library。

再如C10T4S1:Where to park: opposite entrance next to the 5 _______

答案句:Well, I always tell people in larger vehicles to park by the postbox on the other side of the road from the entrance.

替换:next to - by

这道题很多同学会一直在等entrance这个词导致漏听答案,或者会把road当成答案词了,但是如果我们在听前就知道应该靠邻空词next to 帮我们去找答案,而且预判到next to 是很有可能替换成 near, beside, by, close to, not far from等表达时,我们就很容易捕捉到答案应该是by 后面的postbox.



C11T2S4: Beside a _____  

答案句:The site itself was boarded to the north by a canal.

替换:beside – by

C13T1S1: located near the _____ 

答案句:Is it just by the market? That’s right. 

替换:near – by

C14T3S1: Wilby Street (quite near the ____ )

答案句: It’s not very far from the sea.

替换:near – not (very) far from

这5道题充分说明了在雅思听力填空题中,如果邻空词是方位介词,是很容易会被替换的,但是我们可以通过听前对方位介词的替换做到预判,在听音中快速识别替换,就很容易可以捕捉到正确答案。那如何才能做到预判方位介词的替换呢?因为方位介词能够替换的范围是比较有限的,主要还是近义词的替换,因此我们就可以在平时把方位介词的同意替换都积累下来,如near - next to - beside - by - close to - not far from。




C6T2S1: should leave car behind the ______

C10T4S1: Behind the _____ 

C12T6S1: Evening fireworks display situated across the _____

C11T1S4: found new ocean species living under the ____


这几道题里邻空词有方位介词后面beside, 那大家很容易就可以预判到beside很容易替换成at the back of; 对面across可以替换成opposite, facing; 下面under可以替换成below。如果在听前就能精 准预判到替换词,那么在抓答案时就会非常轻松,不会出现漏听的情况。




C6T2S1: should leave car behind the ______

答案句:Your best bet is to leave your car at the back of the library.

替换:behind - at the back of

C10T4S1: Behind the _____ 

答案句:It’s at the back of the library.

替换:behind - at the back of

C12T6S1: Evening fireworks display situated across the _____

答案句:the display takes place on the opposite side of the river.

替换:across - opposite

C11T1S4: found new ocean species living under the ____

答案句:there were large number of species which live below the ice.

替换:under - below


从这几道题中我们会发现各类方位介词的替换在雅思听力中都有考到,而且替换都不是很难, 也很好预判,因此大家只要在平时做好方位介词的积累,在听前审题时能够做到精 准预判,就可以在听音时有针对性的去找答案,从而做到事半功倍。




near - next to - beside - by - close to - not far from

behind - at the back of

under - below

across - across from - opposite - facing - on the other side of 

above - over

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