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单选题题干的“refer to”你真的注意到了吗?

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2022-01-10 17:35


对于大多数同学而言,单选题是最熟悉但也最无力的题型,似乎除了排除法,再无其他途径可走。今天笔者就来谈谈作为单选题题型特点之一的举例论证考点,而该考点在单选题题干的呈现便是以“refer to”或“mention”这种表达来引出。下面就让我们来看看具体例题吧。 


C12T7R3 P69 Q35的题干是这样设置的:“Why does the writer refer to Meyers’s work on music and emotion?”大家的下意识反映会是找Meyer,这本身并无问题,大家可以对应到文章的倒数第二段的第 一行,只是,接下来,大家的路就走偏了,很多人会选择看完整段内容,甚至于提到Meyer的倒数第 一段也会去看,可是咱们的雅思考试是有时间限制的,阅读这一科的时间更是有限,若是一道题需要把两个自然段事无巨细地去作精读,那又要技巧何用呢?














回到C12T7R3 P69 Q35的Meyer在文中第 一次出现的位置,是这样陈述的:“To demonstrate this psychological principle, the musicologist Leonard Meyer,…”,打省略号的部分就是大家在做题时可以忽略的信息,因为“To demonstrate this psychological principle”已经把话说得很明白了,Meyer的例子是为了证明“this psychological principle”,所以大家只需找到“this psychological principle”具体所指即可。因为是在段首,所以便意味着需要看上一段,可是上一段信息很庞杂,所以为了高效解题,不妨从前述题目寻求突破口,前面的第33、34题都在谈“Montreal study”,所以我们可以从本题(第35题)的选项处找一下是否有“Montreal study”,结果,就能看到B选项“to offer support for the findings of the Montreal study”,不仅有“Montreal study”,而且“to offer support for”与原文的“to demonstrate”完美替换,故答案可直接选择B选项。


如果大家十分谨慎,不看完所有选项,还是不敢选,倒也可以大概浏览一下其他3个选项,但这个过程可以非常之快,因为我们不需要去看原文细节来排除,而是基于大方向去排除,A选项的“to propose an original theory about the subject”、C选项的“to recommend the need for further research into the subject”及D选项的“to present a view which opposes that of the Montreal researchers”都属于与“举例论证观点合理”的目的相背离的,故不可选。


为了让这一认识更加深刻,咱们再来看看C10T4R3 P99 Q28&30,C7T1R3 P28 Q29以及C13T1R3 P26 Q31,做完这些题,大家一定会信心倍增。C10T4R3 P99 Q28题干“The humpback whale caught off Vancouver Island is mentioned because of”,找到文中“humpback whale”及“Vancouver Island”出现的地方以及为何出现,便可看到“If Dollo’s law is right, atavisms should occur only very rarely, if at all. Yet, almost since the idea took root, exceptions have been cropping up. In 1919, for example, a humpback whale…”,明确“humpback whale”的例子是为了证明“Dollo’s law”的反方合理,故选项B“the way it exemplifies Dollo’s law”不对,最后便只能选择D选项“the reason given for its unusual features”,文中定位到的段落结尾“the whale must be a throwback to a land-living ancestor. ‘I can see no other explanation,’”也能佐证我们的选择。


同理,C10T4R3 P99 Q30题干“The writer mentions the mole salamander because”,找到“mole salamander”,即可看到“As a possible example, the team pointed to the mole salamander…”,该信息与C12T7R3 P69 Q35在文中对应处一样,同样居于段首,所以,前述观点究竟是什么,在不通读前一段的前提下,可选择去看前述题目或该段末尾总结部分,最后,能在该段末尾的总结部分看到“The salamander example fits with Raff’s 10-million-year time frame.”,故答案为B选项“it suggests that Raff’s theory is correct.”。


C7T1R3 P28 Q29“In this passage, the author uses the examples of a book and a lecture to illustrate that”,在第28题的铺垫下,已经得知观点句为“we know from our experience that we often remember what we have perceived peripherally, long after we have forgotten what we set out to learn.”故其后“the examples of a book and a lecture”就是为了证明该观点合理,故答案只能选择B选项“his theory about the methods of learning is valid”。


最后,我们再来看看C13T1R3 P26 Q31,题干为“The writer refers to the paintings of a chair as an example of computer art which”,找到“the paintings a chair”在文中对应处“Some of the Painting Fool’s paintings of a chair came out in black and white, thanks to a technical glitch.”确定观点句为其前的“Software bugs can also lead to unexpected results.”,再结合选项即可选出A选项“achieves a particularly striking effect”。该题与以上例题不一样之处在于,不是模糊化去说“证明某观点合理”,而是直接在选项处摆出观点的具体内容,故需特别留意。


总结一下,在做举例论证的单选题时,要明确例子所对应的观点究竟是什么或者文中比较明显的提示信息“to demonstrate…”、“as a possible example”等,若例子在段首,观点在上一段,不妨看看本段末尾的总结部分或者上面题目的谈论对象。


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