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潍坊新航道 > 托福 > 2021年9月下旬托福口语独立题考情分析及范文


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2021-12-02 11:12



9月下旬的这五道题目中,难度最 大的是9月25日的这一题。题目问的是:专业运动员是否应得高薪?这一个话题与领域在以前是没有出现过的。所以仅仅按照我们的常规的共通思路是很难说好这一题的回答的。社会话题比较广泛,会需要大家对社会有一定的了解与有一定的思维辩证,大家平时也可以去了解社会方面的事件,做一些提前的积累。在考场上遇到这样的题目的时候,可以从个人的经历或者具体的例子来展开,这样会更容易想到思路与展开细节。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The use of cell phones should be banned in certain situations. 





Personally, I do agree that the use of cell phones should be banned in certain situations, such as in the movie theater. For starters, it could ensure everyone has a good time when watching a movie. If some people use their cell phone during the movie, the light from the screen or the noise they make would disturb other audiences without a doubt, which would be an awful experience for other audiences. In addition, allowing people to use their cell phone in particular occasions has some other negative effects in terms of the copy right. As far as I know, some people would illegally record the movie or the concert so that they could sell the recordings online for profits. Such behaviors violate the intellectual property right of those who are involved in the work being illegally filmed. 


Which course do you prefer? Course that meets once a week and lasts for a couple of months, or the course that meets 3-4 times a week but finishes in a few weeks. 





For me, I would prefer the course that requires me to meet once a week. First of all, I think I would have more time to chew on the knowledge taught by the professors this way. Since we only meet once a week, I could use the rest of the week to do further research and go over my notes. Therefore, I would be able to have a comprehensive understanding of the materials. In addition, this study pattern could give me less stress. Usually, courses like this are not that intensive, and students probably only need to read one chapter of their textbook every week. But as for those courses that require students to meet 3-4 times a week, they are accelerated, and oftentimes, the students are supposed to read hundreds of pages of textbook to keep pace with the course, which is incredibly stressful.  

2021年9月19日 (2021.3.24 & 2018.6.10 旧题复用)

Suppose your university has a tight financial budget, which one of the following areas would you suggest the school cut budget in, sports clubs (like hiking/ skiing club) or academic clubs (like debate/ math club)?





Personally, I would suggest to cut budget in academic clubs. For me, I am a sport person and kind of athletic. With enough budget, the school could organize a variety of both outdoor and indoor activities for students to participate in, which is really beneficial in various aspects. First of all, students could get close to the nature while doing outdoor sports. They could appreciate those spectacular sceneries and landscapes. Also, during this process, they could relax and take a break from their study. As we all know, students are always stressed out because of heavy workload. They need some sport activities to get refreshed and cope with stress. Without enough budget, the number of sports they could do will decrease, meaning they won’t be able to join their favorite sport club. 


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Professional athletes do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid. 



这一题其实是比较新的。大家可以依照自己的生活经历来去思考。在前不久才结束的东京奥运会上,我们认识了或者重新见到了许多优 秀的运动员。例如打破了亚洲田径纪录的苏炳添,有“水花消失术”的全红婵。大家觉得这些人值得高薪吗?他们为了比赛,从小练习,付出了非常多的努力,应不应该拿到很高的报酬呢?另外,这些人为国出战为国争光,是否应得很高的薪资呢?在我的观点里,这是他们应得的。但欢迎有其他想法的同学阐述你的观点。 


Personally, I do believe that professional athletes deserve the high salaries. First of all, people always say you will reap what you sow and hard work pays off. Professional athletes have devoted a lot of time and effort into training in order to be successful. Considering those endeavors, high salary is reasonable and even necessary. Moreover, these athletes always represent our home country to take part in international competitions and matches. A lot of them have won the honor for the country or even broke the world record in their own field. In this case, they should be rewarded with high salary.

2021年9月29日(2017.6.3 旧题复用)

Do you agree or disagree that we should not try to help our friends with their problems unless they ask for our help? 





In my opinion, I agree that we should not help our friends unless they ask for it. First of all, I think sometimes they are capable of solving problems on their own. If we insist to help them, it will actually cause more issues, which will complicate the situation. In the end, we might worsen the problem rather than solve the problem. In addition, some people have high self-esteem and are not willing to let others help them out when encountering some obstacles. If we try to offer some help with good intentions, it will still hurt their feelings. We should just step back and let our friends solve their problems by themselves. 

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