


来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2017-08-08 14:08





  1. Body language, especially facial expressions, is the key indicator of how a person reacts to the conversation.

  2. 一些人表示不接受快餐,觉得快餐既难吃又缺乏营养。


  2. Believing that fast food is less tasty and less nutritious, some people frown upon it.

  3. 我们生活在一个医疗不再昂贵的时代。


  3. We now live in a world that medical treatment is no longer exorbitant.

  4. 体育锻炼能够帮助一个感到学习或生活压力繁重的人很好的放松。


  4. Getting exercise can help the person who is particularly stressed about school or life to relax easily.

  5. 一个简单有效地方法去了解国外是看新闻或杂志。


  5. Reading newspapers and magazines is a direct and simple yet magically effective method to learn about foreign countries.

  6. 不可避免的是,只有我们打开电视就是大量的电视广告占据了我们太多的休息时间。


  6. It is unavoidable that numerous television advertisements occupy our most leisure time as long as we turn on TV.

  7. 很快就做出的结论会导致严重的判断失误。


  7. Such arbitrary conclusion can lead to grievous misjudgments.

  8. 为了保持精力充沛和健康,很多人热衷于运动。


  8. For the purpose of keeping fresh and building body health, many people are very enthusiastic about doing exercises.

  9. 实际上,现在似乎老年人比年轻人更乐于从事体育锻炼。


  9.Virtually, it appears that now the senior citizens take more delight in doing exercises than the young.

  10. 随着生活水平的提高,人们逐渐认识到了健康的饮食习惯的重要性。


  10. There is now growing awareness of the significance of a balanced dieting habit as the living standard goes up.

  11. 人们长寿的原因有很多,其中最有三个最为明显:食物条件的改善,现代医疗技术的进步和社会与经济环境的稳定。


  11. Among various factors that contribute to today’ longevity of people are three most obvious ones: The improvement of food condition, the development of modern medical technology and the stability of social and economic environment.

  12. 无论是青年人还是成年人只要会对外表表现出极大地热情,都会喜欢穿着各种各样时尚的衣服。


  12. Not only adolescence but also grown-up, who are full of enthusiasm about individual appearance, are almost keen on wearing various stylish clothes.

  13. 如同我们很难说世界上没有的事情一样,我们也很难说没有人是会满足于他们所拥有的。


  13. Just as we can scarcely say that nothing is absolute in this world, nor can we argue that nobody would be satisfied with what they have.

  14. 传统食物一个特有的优势就是食物的多样性。另外,传统食物无论如何都要更加精致,并富有营养。


  14. Traditional food has a typical merit of food diversity and is by all means much more elaborate and more nutritious.

  15. 在现代社会,一个普遍流行的饮食趋势是比起传统食物,年轻人更喜欢吃快餐。


  15. In modern society, there has been a prevalent trend that teenagers prefer to have fast food instead of traditional food.

  16. 与好朋友住在一起,如果处理得不好,可能很快就会损坏你们之间的关系。


  16. Getting along with a friend as a roommate, if not properly handled, could quickly ruin the relationship.

  17. 来中国玩,长城也是必去的地方。由于长城历史悠久,中国人认为其对于他们的文化具有特别的意义。


  17. The Great Wall is also a must-see in China. The people of China hold the Great Wall as having particular significance to their culture because of its long history.

  18. 绝大多数针对于儿童的广告应该被改善或被禁止以促进理性消费,这是毋庸置疑的。


  18. It is incontrovertible that most of television advertising directed toward young children should be gotten better or forbidden for promoting the rational consumption and expense.

  19. 这是人性所决定的:人们倾向于相信自己而不是相信别人,也因此常常被自己的感觉所误导,而不是遵循理智。


  19. It is the nature of human that determines that people tend to trust themselves rather than others, and consequently they often misguide by their own feelings rather than reasons.

  20. 不会感受到大城市里普遍流行的孤独,孩子们在小城市可以更健康的成长,因为那里的居民之间的关系更加融洽。


  20. Instead of suffering loneliness and solitude which are prevalent in big cities, children might grow up more healthily because of harmonious relationship among residents in small town.




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