


来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2017-08-08 14:08







  Some people think charity organisations should help people in great need wherever they live. However, others think they should help people in their own country. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.


  那么,究竟如何构思这篇作文呢?我们可能会本能地觉得,慈善机构应该帮助本国的人,因为慈善机构的钱主要来自本国,但是,在这个全球化的时代,很多慈善机构的钱难道不是来自世界各地吗?何况,慈善机构的宗旨就是帮助人类克服困难,救助扶持社会中的困难人士,从某种意义上,我们也可以说,在这个全球化时代,帮助其他国家的人本质上也是在帮助自己国家。这样,好像我们又可以认为慈善机构应该帮助世界上所有需要帮助的人(people in need)。如果我们进一步思考,将慈善机构分为“地区性的慈善机构”和“全球性的慈善机构”,那么这个问题就更容易讨论:地区性的慈善机构主要应该帮助本国人(有余力的时候帮助外国人),全球性的慈善机构则应放眼全球,哪里需要就到哪里去。



  Charity organisations are supposed to offer help to people in great need, such as those suffering from incurable diseases, natural disasters and unexpected accidents. Yet one issue is still in debate: to whom should the money of charity organisations go, exclusively to people who live in the same country as the organisations, or to all people regardless of where they live? To my mind, the answer to this question depends largely on the mission of specific charity organisations.

  One important reason why some people hold the same-country view is that, as they see it, the charity money comes from the rich people and other donators who live in the same country as those needy people, and naturally the charity organisations should help them rather than people from other countries. This is partly true, especially to the local charity groups whose chief concern is to solve the local problems. Yet for such organisations as Bill Gates Charity Foundation whose money comes from the entire world, it is far from enough only to help Americans, although it is headquartered in the U.S. As a matter of fact, Bill Gates Charity Foundation, along with other “global” charity groups, has extended its help to all people in all countries and regions throughout the world.

  Besides, there are charity organisations that address different issues, some of which being daily necessities, others being disease control, environmental protection, to name only a few. Some of these issues are local while others are global in nature. Generally, local charity groups play a more important role in addressing local issues though outside help is also always welcomed, while in face of those global issues like disease control or environmental protection, charity organisations need to travel across territorial borders and offer help to those who live in any part of the world.

  To conclude, where the charity money should go is mainly determined by the chief concerns and missions of different charity organisations. An organisation aiming at solving local issues should spend its money helping people who live in the same country, but if an organisation sets its eyes on global issues, it should not confine itself to a single country. (357 words)


  Charity organisations are supposed to offer help to people in great need, such as those suffering from incurable diseases, natural disasters and unexpected accidents. Yet one issue is still in debate: to whom should the money of charity organisations go, exclusively to people who live in the same country as the organisations, or to all people regardless of where they live? To my mind, the answer to this question depends largely on the mission of specific charity organisations.

  开头段,先定义charity organisation引出话题,然后重述题目中的问题,最后提出自己的观点。请注意:唐老师没有照抄原题,而是对其进行了重新表述,这是语言表达水平的一个重要方面,学生需要不断练习才能真正提升这个能力。

  such as... 往往能够给我们提供一个机会来展示我们的知识水平。这里的such as those suffering from...完全可以不要,但正是这个such as后面的内容,让考官看到了学生的知识面和表达力。

  to my mind,... 是一个很有用的短语,意思为“我认为”。多数学生会使用in my view, in my opinion, as far as I am concerned。

  看一看老师在本段使用的几个副词(组)。exclusively = only; regardless of = no matter; largely = mainly

  One important reason why some people hold the same-country view is that, as they see it, the charity money comes from the rich people and other donators who live in the same country as those needy people, and naturally the charity organisations should help them rather than people from other countries. This is partly true, especially to the local charity groups whose chief concern is to solve the local problems. Yet for such organisations as Bill Gates Charity Foundation whose money comes from the entire world, it is far from enough only to help Americans, although it is headquartered in the U.S. As a matter of fact, Bill Gates Charity Foundation, along with other “global” charity groups, has extended its help to all people in all countries and regions throughout the world.


  As they see it,... 在他们看来

  This is partly true,... 这有一半是正确的

  It is far from enough to... 做......远远不够

  As a matter of fact = in fact, actually 事实上

  Besides, there are charity organisations that address different issues, some of which being daily necessities, others being disease control, environmental protection, to name only a few. Some of these issues are local while others are global in nature. Generally, local charity groups play a more important role in addressing local issues though outside help is also always welcomed, while in face of those global issues like disease control or environmental protection, charity organisations need to travel across territorial borders and offer help to those who live in any part of the world.


  to name only a few相当于“等等”,多数同学会用and so on...


  To conclude, where the charity money should go is mainly determined by the chief concerns and missions of different charity organisations. An organisation aiming at solving local issues should spend its money helping people who live in the same country, but if an organisation sets its eyes on global issues, it should not confine itself to a single country.


  必须学习本段用不同句型来表达近似内容的方法。an organisation aiming at solving local issues... = if an organisation aims at solving local issues, it ...










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