
空格 空格 空格 SAT 腾飞计划


来源:青岛小编 浏览: 发布日期:2022-05-18 17:48



Personal Choice (Task 1)

Campus Announcement (Task 2)

General to Specific (Task 3)

Academic Lecture (Task 4)

改革前的独立口语Task1&2在OG当中的要求都是defend personal preference,而Task 1的题问方式相对更加灵活,比如Describe a the most memorable experience you had/Describe the person you admire the most。准备的难度会更大。相比而言,Task2常见提问方式 (agree/disagree, paired choices) 都为有范围选择,表达内容相比更明确,利于公正评分,因此去掉了功能类似且答题范围可能更泛的Task1。虽然Task1已经取消,但是很多表达和话题上仍然可以灵活用于Task2相关表达当中。因此备考过程中,改革前的Task 1部分题目仍然有参考价值。





1. 积累常用理由,考场中的准备时间只有15秒,我们脑海中存储的语料越多,肯定反应速度就更快。在上课过程中老师讲到的语料,以及一些学习资料中提供的语料都是很好的基础资源。比如《新托福口语真经》4、5两本书中给出了time to relax、way to study、sports activity、historical relics、online study等10个常用万 能理由段落,对于缺乏自己答题思路的同学是很好的背诵材料。而对于能够给出自己思路的同学而言,这些语料可以作为参考,然后在此基础上编写出属于自己的个性化“万 能理由”。

2. 结合真题进行运用。结合自己的备考周期进行独立口语练习,将自己准备的万 能理由用来回答不同的题目,并根据题目提问方式的变化进行答题细节的调整。需要注意地是,改革之前的task1也可以拿来作为练习素材,因为话题可能与tsk2有重合。准备时间可以稍长一些,并且可以写出答题所需要的5~10个关键词,在准备充分的前提下再进行计时答题并录音。然后听录音,对于语法错误或不流利的地方进行修正,再录音,直至表达流畅。

3. 练习一段时间之后,同学们会发现看到一个题目后,需要的准备的时间越来越短,这意味着前期积累的万 能理由和答题思路已经有了成果。如果考试已经临近(比如还有一个月)就可以尝试计时15秒准备,直接答题录音了。当然答完之后仍然需要修改再录音,直至能够达到满分标准。

接下来,我们以study online这个高频考点为例,展示一下如何使用上述备考方法:

首先熟悉万 能理由段落:

Online study is convenient. Since it doesn’t require a fixed location, students don’t need to travel to schools or libraries to study. So they can study anywhere and anytime they want, like the cafe and also make their own schedule. Learning in this way is easy and comfortable.

Browsing online is an effective way to search for information. Since there is plenty of information available on the Internet, students can find the resources they need and thus be responded in few minutes. Therefore, they don’t need to make appointments or wait until office hours to meet their teachers. And the time saved can be used to get more work done.(《新托福口语真经5》P25)


When college students have some questions, do you think they should ask their professor for help or just surf the Internet to get the answer?(20141008 Task2)


I thinks college students can surf the Internet to get the answer just because browsing online is an effective way to search for information....



Some people think ,with the development of technology and Internet, libraries will disappear,while others think libraries are always necessary.Which one do you agree?(20170916 task2)


I believe libraries will disappear in the future because browsing online is an effective way to search for information. Since there is the electronic version of books available on the Internet, people can find the resources they need in few minutes. Therefore, they don’t need to go to library any more.



What do you think about homeschooling?(20180106 task2)

Do you agree or disagree that children should approach computer and other electronic devices as early as possible?(20180331 task2)

Some people think in the future students will have classes on the Internet, but others think students will still have classes in buildings. What do you think?(20160529 task2)

